Sign up at , then call us to make your appointment to enjoy $50 off your treatment today through April 30th and get additional points towards your next in office Botox or Juvederm procedure! Call us today! 949-716-7066
Read more »If you want a more youthful appearance to your face, rhytidectomy also known as a facelift, may be the procedure for you. Essentially, this procedure reshapes the lower portion of the face by removing excess facial skin. Often combined with other procedures such as browlift, cheek augmentation or eyelid surgery, a facelift can help diminish the signs of fine lines, wrinkles and aging. If you are considering a facelift, or any other facial cosmetic surgery procedure, contact board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Cory Yeh to set up a consultation.
Read more »If you are currently a Brilliant Distinctions member, receive your instant $50 rebate in office when getting your Botox treatment and get $25 towards your next visit! Also get $75 off towards a future Botox and Juvederm combo and earn 400 points towards your next visit! Must receive your first Botox treatment before April 30, 2013! Limited rebates available. CALL US TODAY! 949*916*7066
Read more »Dr. Yeh was recently quoted in a article titled “Can Cosmetic Injections Cause Blindness?” Here’s a brief snippet from it:
We’ve stressed time and time again the importance of only going to an experienced board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who specializes in the particular field they practice when going in for cosmetic procedures. Aside from getting a poor result, there are also other serious complications that can occur if you don’t see the right doctor. One in particular is blindness.
Blindness is a rare complication that can occur after fillers and/or injections. Reports in scientific literature have shown that nearly every type of cosmetic injection, whether it’s hyaluronic acid, collagen, fat or other material, has been found in rare instances to cause decreased vision after being injected. This particular complication ranges from being temporary to permanent.
“What we believe happens is that if the material is injected into specific blood vessels like the central retinal artery or ophthalmic artery, the vessels can become included, or blocked,” says Laguna Woods, CA, facial plastic surgeon Corey Yeh, MD. “That’s what causes the problem and what leads to decreased vision or blindness.”
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MONDAY , OCT. 22 AT 3:00 PM
Maintaining Facial Beauty As You Age Laguna Woods 10-22-12 Flyer
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Stopping the hands of time often requires an intervention of some sort, be it a surgical or a nonsurgical procedure. With so many different age-reversing options available these days, cost, downtime and your threshold for discomfort are all determining factors in which path you should take to correct your concerns. “In younger patients, less invasive procedures are a nice alternative because often there’s not as much of a need for correction,” says Orange County, CA, facial plastic surgeon Cory Yeh, MD.
“When it comes to using fillers in the under-eye area, it’s important to understand that they have a role—mainly for camouflaging concerns like hollows. Fillers and fat may not address underlying problems, but they can make the eyes look better when done right,” says Dr. Cory Yeh. Hyaluronic acid injectables, particularly Restylane and Juvéderm, as well as fat, give the most natural looking result.
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Read more »Receive your Botox and Juvederm treatment on the same day and you will instantly save $75 and also get $25 towards your next treatment! Offer ends Aug 31, 2012.
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Don’t miss out! Call us today to schedule your appointment. 949-916-7066
Read more »Facelift is safer and more effective today than ever before. Dr. Yeh recommends it to patients who want to correct problems in the lower two-thirds of the face – such as removal of sagging skin, excess fat, tightening lax neck muscles, and correcting jowls and cheeks that have descended and become hollow and deflated. Today’s more refined – advanced techniques have made the taught – wind-blown facelift a thing of the past. Dr. Yeh achieves results that are tension-free and completely natural looking.
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